46 Results for Place = "Oxford" and Collection = Handschriften, Autographen, Bilder
jump to filter-optionsA letter from Mr. Samuel White, to his brother in London
dated in Siam, Sept. 20, 1686, giving a full account of the late rebellion made by the people of Macasser, inhabiting in that country, which ended with the death of all the rebells, who were totally destroy'd by the kings forces assisted by some Europeans of several nations, amongst whom Capt. Henry Udall and some others of our countrymen most unhappily lost their livesWhite, Samuel ; Satow, Ernest Mason ; Trautz, Friedrich M.Transkribierte Abschrift, [Oxford], September 5+6, 1887Brief an Brother [Ernst Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 16.08.1909 [August 16. 1909]Brief an Brother [Ernst Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 21.01.1910 [Jan. 21. [19]10]Brief an Brother [Ernst Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 21.10.1910 [October 21. 1910]Brief an Bruder [Ernst Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 18.06.1909 [18. Juni 1909]Brief an College [Karl Lamprecht]
Goebel, Julius ; Lamprecht, KarlCambridge [Mass.], 53 Oxford Street, 24. Juli 1902Brief an Ernst [Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 23.02.1906 [Febr. 23. 1906]Brief an Ernst [Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 25.04.1909 [Apr. 25. [19]09]Brief an Ernst [Robert Curtius]
Way, Albert ; Curtius, Ernst RobertOxford, 13.08.1916 [August 13. [19]16]Brief an Freund [Jacob Bernays]
Müller, Friedrich Max ; Bernays, JacobOxford, 05.02.1856 [Febr. 5. [18]56]Brief an Freund [Jacob Bernays]
Müller, Friedrich Max ; Bernays, JacobOxford, 07.06.1856 [7/6 [18]56]Brief an Freund [Jacob Bernays]
Müller, Friedrich Max ; Bernays, JacobOxford, 21.03.1869 [21 März [1869]]Brief an Freund [Jacob Bernays]
Müller, Friedrich Max ; Bernays, JacobOxford, 12.02.1873 [12 Feb[ruar] [18]73]Brief an Mr. [Friedrich] Curtius
Way, Albert ; Curtius, FriedrichOxford, 09.12.1906 [December 9. 1906]