80 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Rothacker, Erich" and Collection = Handschriften, Autographen, Bilder
jump to filter-optionsAnmeldebuch [für] Stud. phil Dr phil Erich Rothacker
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BerlinBerlin, 1913-1914 [Mich 1913 bis Ost 1914]Brief an [Erich] Rothacker
Sommerfeld, Martin ; Rothacker, ErichFrankfurt am Main, 31.08.1924 [31.VIII. [19]24]Brief an [Erich] Rothacker
Frank, Erich ; Rothacker, ErichDomburg, 1923-1927 [3 Aug. [ohne Jahr, vermutlich 1923/1927]]Brief an College [Erich Rothacker]
Burdach, Konrad ; Rothacker, ErichBerlin, 26.09.1925 [26.IX. [19]25]Brief an College [Erich Rothacker]
Schwarz, Oswald ; Rothacker, ErichLondon, 13.01.1938 [13.I. [19]38]Brief an Doctor [Erich Rothacker]
Forbes-Mosse, Irene ; Rothacker, ErichBrief an Dr. [Erich Rothacker]
Mannheim, Karl ; Rothacker, ErichHeidelberg, 19.09.1924 [19. Sept. [19]24]Brief an Kollege [Erich Rothacker]
Sommerfeld, Martin ; Rothacker, ErichFrankfurt am Main, 06.12.1922 [6/XII. [19]22]Brief an Kollege [Erich Rothacker]
Burdach, Konrad ; Rothacker, ErichBerlin, 09.09.1922 [9/9. [19]22]Brief an Kollege [Erich Rothacker]
Burdach, Konrad ; Rothacker, ErichBerlin, 02.08.1933 [2.8. [19]33]Brief an Kollege [Erich Rothacker]
Ach, Narziss ; Rothacker, ErichMünchen, 09.09.1943 [9. Sept. [19]43]Brief an Kollege [Erich Rothacker]
Wölfflin, Heinrich ; Rothacker, ErichMünchen, 04.11.1921 [4.XI. [19]21]