Year : 0780
jump to filter-optionsCoba, Stela 20
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 119 cm (width), 28 cm (thickness), 306 cm (height above lowest carving), 88 cm (height of plain butt), 119 cm (width at base of carving), 2.2 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedCoba, Stela 20, lower fragments
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: undated, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedIn: Coba, Stela 20Coba, Stela 20, upper fragment
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: undated, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedIn: Coba, Stela 20El Chorro, Stela 14
__artifact_custody: Poptún Military Base, Poptún, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stelaIxtutz, Stela 4
__artifact_custody: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Ciudad de Guatemala, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 116 cm (width), 40 cm (thickness), 183 cm (height above lowest carving), 33 cm (height of plain butt), 102 cm (width at base of carving), 1 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / sculptured, carvedNaranjo, Stela 6
__artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 62 cm (width), 34 cm (thickness), 169 cm (height above lowest carving), 46 cm (height of plain butt), 45 cm (width at base of carving), 1.1 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedNaranjo, Stela 13
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 94 cm (width), 35 cm (thickness), 349 cm (height above lowest carving), 96 cm (height of plain butt), 1.5 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedNaranjo, Stela 19
__artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 93 cm (width), 24 cm (thickness), 241 cm (height above lowest carving), 49 cm (height of plain butt), 87 cm (width at base of carving), 2.8 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedNaranjo, Stela 33
__artifact_custody: Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, Melchor de Mencos, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 45 cm (width), 30 cm (thickness), 183 cm (height above lowest carving), 50 cm (height of plain butt), 45 cm (width at base of carving), 1.2 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedNaranjo, Stela 36
__artifact_custody: Looters, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 122 cm (height), 76 cm (width), 30 cm (thickness), __artifact_materialTechnique: limestone / carvedQuirigua, Zoomorph B
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: zoomorph, __artifact_dimensions: 200 cm (height), 400 cm (width)6 ft (height), 12 ft (width), __artifact_materialTechnique: sandstone / carvedUxbenka, Stela 15
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 268 cm (height), 80 cm (width), 20 cm (thickness), 221 cm (height of sculptured area), 57 cm (width of sculptured area), 1.1 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: fine-grained sandstone, calcareous sandstone, mudstone / low relief, sculpturedXnaheb, Stela 2
__artifact_custody: in situ, __artifact_dateGregorian: 0780-11-30 CE, __artifact_type: stela, __artifact_dimensions: 294 cm (height), 74 cm (width), 27 cm (thickness), 214 cm (height of sculptured area), 59 cm (width of sculptured area), 0.98 cm (relief depth), __artifact_materialTechnique: fine-grained sandstone, calcareous sandstone, mudstone / low relief, sculptured